class Vips::GValue


Class to wrap LibVips::GValue in a Crystal class. This class wraps LibVips::GValue in a convenient interface. You can use instances of this class to get and set GObject properties. On construction, LibVips::GValue is all zero (empty). You can pass it to a get function to have it filled by GObject, or use initialize(gvalue) to set a type, #set to set a value, then use it to set an object property.

Defined in:


Constant Summary

GBool = Vips.type_from_name("gboolean")

The fundamental type corresponding to gboolean

GDouble = Vips.type_from_name("gdouble")

The fundamental type corresponding to gdouble

GEnum = Vips.type_from_name("GEnum")

The fundamental type from which all enumeration types are derived

GFlags = Vips.type_from_name("GFlags")

The fundamental type from which all flags types are derived

GInt = Vips.type_from_name("gint")

The fundamental type corresponding to gint

GObject = Vips.type_from_name("GObject")

The fundamental type for GObject

GString = Vips.type_from_name("gchararray")

The fundamental type corresponding to null-terminated C strings.

GUint64 = Vips.type_from_name("guint64")

The fundamental type corresponding to guint64

VArrayDouble = Vips.type_from_name("VipsArrayDouble")

The fundamental type for VipsArrayDouble

VArrayImage = Vips.type_from_name("VipsArrayImage")

The fundamental type for VipsArrayImage

VArrayInt = Vips.type_from_name("VipsArrayInt")

The fundamental type for VipsArrayInt

VBandFormat = LibVips.vips_band_format_get_type

The fundamental type for VipsBandFormat

VBlendMode = Vips.at_least_libvips?(8, 6) ? LibVips.vips_blend_mode_get_type : 0

The fundamental type for VipsBlendMode

VBlob = Vips.type_from_name("VipsBlob")

The fundamental type for VipsBlob

VImageType = Vips.type_from_name("VipsImage")

The fundamental type for VipsImage

VRefStr = Vips.type_from_name("VipsRefString")

The fundamental type for VipsRefString

VSource = Vips.at_least_libvips?(8, 9) ? Vips.type_from_name("VipsSource") : 0

The fundamental type for VipsSource

VTarget = Vips.at_least_libvips?(8, 9) ? Vips.type_from_name("VipsTarget") : 0

The fundamental type for VipsTarget


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : GValue) #

Initialize new instance with specified GValue

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def #

Initialize new instance of GValue

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Instance Method Detail

def get : Type #

Get the contents of a GValue The contents of the GValue are read out as a Crystal type

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def get_type #

Get the GType of this GValue

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def set(value) #

Set a GValue The value is converted to the type of the GValue, if possible, and assigned

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def set_type(type) : Nil #

Set the type of a GValue GValues have a set type, fixed at creation time. Use this method to set the type of GValue before assiging to it.

GTypes are 32 or 64-bit integers (depending on platform).

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