class Vips::GObject

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def finalize #

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def get(name : String, gval : GValue) #

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def object_ref #

Increases the reference count of object

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def ref_count #

Get the reference count of object.

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def release_handle #

Decreases the reference count of object. When its reference count drops to 0, its memory is freed.

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def set(name : String, gval : GValue) #

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def signal_connect(signal : String, callback : Proc, data : Pointer(Void) = Pointer(Void).null) : LibVips::Gulong #

Connects a callback to a signal on this object. The callback will be triggered every time this signal is issued on this instance.

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def signal_disconnect(handler_id : LibVips::Gulong) #

Disconnects a handler from this object

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def signal_disconnect(func : Proc, data : Pointer(Void) = Pointer(Void).null) #

Disconnects all handlers from this object that match func and data

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def signal_disconnect(data : LibVips::Gpointer) #

Disconnects all handlers from this object that match

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