module Vips


Provides Crystal language interface to the libvips image processing library. Programs that use libvips don't manipulate images directly, instead they create pipelines of image processing operations starting from a source image. When the pipe is connected to a destination, the whole pipeline executes at once and in parallel, streaming the image from source to destination in a set of small fragments.

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = {{ (`shards version \"/home/runner/work/crystal-vips/crystal-vips/src\"`).chomp.stringify }}

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.at_least_libvips?(x : Int, y : Int, z = 0) #

Is this at least libvips major.minor.[.patch]?

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def self.clear_error #

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def self.concurrency #

Returns the number of worker threads that vips uses for image evaluation.

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def self.concurrency=(value : Int) #

Set the size of the pools of worker threads vips uses for image evaluation.

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def self.default_concurrency : Int32 #

Track the original default concurrency so we can reset to it.

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def self.enum_values(type : LibC::ULong) #

Get all values for a enum (GType).

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def : Pointer(Void)) #

Frees the memory pointed to by mem

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def self.fundamental_type(type : LibC::ULong) #

Extract the fundamental type ID portion.

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def self.get_enums #

Get a list of enums available within the libvips library.

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def self.get_operations #

Get a list of operations available within the libvips library. This can be useful for documentation generators

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def self.get_suffixes #

Get a list of all the filename suffixes supported by libvips Note: At least libvips 8.8 is needed

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def self.init #

Starts up the world of VIPS. this function is automatically called

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def self.initialized? #

Flag to tell if libvips has been initialized or not. initialization will happen at the load of module and you should only call Vips#init if auto initialization failed.

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def self.leak=(leak) #

Enable or disable libvips leak checking. When enabled, libvips will check for object and area leaks on exit. Enabling this option will make libvips run slightly more slowly.

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def self.leak? #

Enable or disable libvips leak checking. When enabled, libvips will check for object and area leaks on exit. Enabling this option will make libvips run slightly more slowly.

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def self.nickname(type : LibC::ULong) #

Return the nickname for a GType.

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def self.profile(profile) #

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def self.profile=(profile) #

Enable or disable libvips profile recording. If set, vips will record profiling information, and dump it on program exit. These profiles can be analyzed with the vipsprofile program.

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def self.profile? #

Enable or disable libvips profile recording. If set, vips will record profiling information, and dump it on program exit. These profiles can be analyzed with the vipsprofile program.

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def self.report_leaks #

Reports leaks (hopefully there are none) it also tracks and reports peak memory use.

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def self.shutdown #

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def self.type_from_name(nickname : String) #

Return the GType for a name.

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def self.typefind(basename : String, nickname : String) #

Get the GType for a name. Looks up the GType for a nickname. Types below basename in the type hierarchy are searched.

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def self.typename(type : LibC::ULong) #

Returns the name for a GType

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def self.vector=(val : Bool) #

Enable SIMD and the run-time compiler. This can give a nice speed-up, but can also be unstable on some systems or with some versions of the run-time compiler.

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def self.vector? #

Returns if SIMD and the run-time compiler is enabled or not

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def self.version(flag : Int) #

Get the major, minor or patch version number of the libvips library. Pass 0 to get the major version number 1 to get minor, 2 to get patch.

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def self.version #

Returns version of libvips in 3-byte integer

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def self.version_string #

Returns version string of libvips

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