class XMPP::Stanza::Presence


Presence Packet Presence implements RFC 6120 - A.5 Client Namespace (a part) Presence stanzas are used to express an entity's current network availability (offline or online, along with various sub-states of the latter and optional user-defined descriptive text), and to notify other entities of that availability. Presence stanzas are also used to negotiate and manage subscriptions to the presence of other entities.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module XMPP::Stanza::Attrs

attr_hash attr_hash, from : String from, from=(from : String) from=, id : String id, id=(id : String) id=, lang : String lang, lang=(lang : String) lang=, load_attrs(node : XML::Node) load_attrs, to : String to, to=(to : String) to=, type : String type, type=(type : String) type=, xmlns : String xmlns

Instance methods inherited from module XMPP::Stanza::Packet

name : String name, to_xml(xml : XML::Builder)
to_xml : String

Instance methods inherited from module XMPP::Stanza::Packet

name : String name, to_xml(xml : XML::Builder)
to_xml : String

Constructor Detail

def : String) #

def : XML::Node) #

Class Method Detail

def self.xml_name : String #

Instance Method Detail

def error : Error? #

def error=(error : Error?) #

def extensions : Array(PresExtension) #

def extensions=(extensions : Array(PresExtension)) #

def get(type : PresExtension.class) #

get search and extracts a specific extension on a presence stanza. it will return extension instance if found on stanza else return nil

def name : String #

def priority : Int8 #

def priority=(priority : Int8) #

def show : String #

def show=(show : String) #

def status : String #

def status=(status : String) #

def to_xml(elem : XML::Builder) #