module V1::Image

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

abstract def config_file : V1::ConfigFile #

config_file returns this image's config file.

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abstract def config_name : V1::Hash #

config_name returns the hash of the image config file

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abstract def digest : V1::Hash #

digest returns the sha256 of this image's manifest

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abstract def layer_by_diff_id(h : V1::Hash) : V1::Layer #

layer_by_diff_id is an analog to layer_by_digest, looking up by "diff id" (the uncompressed hash).

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abstract def layer_by_digest(h : V1::Hash) : V1::Layer #

layer_by_digest returns a Layer for interacting with a particular layer of the image, looking it up by "digest" (the compressed hash).

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abstract def layers : Array(V1::Layer) #

Layers returns the ordered collection of filesystem layers that comprise this image. The order of the list is oldest/base layer first, and most-recent/top layer last.

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abstract def manifest : V1::Manifest #

manifest returns this image's Manifest

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abstract def media_type : Types::MediaType #

MediaType of this image's manifest.

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abstract def raw_config_file : Bytes #

raw_config_file returns the serialized bytes of ConfigFile

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abstract def raw_manifest : Bytes #

raw_manifest returns the serialized bytes of Manifes

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